Together with Lilli Strakerjahn we are the collective SEE/SAW - a feminist theater collective focused on empowering practices and supporting young girls and women in the pursuit of their futures.
We create the concepts for our projects as well as facilitate them.
Riot Virginia! was a three month process, exposing teenage girls in Marzahn-Hellersdorf to different artistic fields, with the intention of helping the girls identify their “art of choice” as their method of feminist protest. Furthermore, we focused on the importance of role models and learned about women who are rarely taught in history classes.
“Riot Virginia!” presented their piece “Sachen” in the Gärten der Welt in Marzahn (Berlin) in July, 2021.
Wenn Mädchen dir die Welt Erklären…
A partnership with Lynar Julateg, Youth Center in Berlin-Wedding
Wenn Mädchen dir die Welt Erklären, a multimedial theater project, was funded by Jugend ins Zentrum. Our method was to use the form of YouTube videos to help young girls identify their passions and strengths, support them in the development of their interests, and encourage them to share their abilities, talents and interests with others on a larger platform.
The fields of inquiry from the girls, for which we offered workshops, included:
-How to sing
-How to make stop motion videos
-How to write and perform a rap
-How to defend their bodily boundaries and say no; self-defense
-How to make and keep friends
-How an AFAB (assigned female at birth) body functions
-How to use a green screen